Monday, June 3, 2013

I knew I  said I'd only be posting weekly, but I need to say something. 4 years ago, I won a goldfish, and so did my friend. Hers died that night. My golden gift ended her stride last night, just after I posted my entry. My heart is now chipped, and the strongest filling cannot fill it. -sigh- This is Alexa signing off of


  1. U r such a poet! What's with dat?

  2. I am a little girl with big opinions. Lexi, you're crazy. My grandparents are at my house, and Luc is bothering me to get away from them. So annoying! Not as deep as lexi's

  3. I'm gonna blog on your page too. Maybe when something happens in my life. Oh wait that is what blogs are about! (Bonks herself on the head) Duh........ Me stupid.
    So this closes my blog for today ( maybe). I'm probably going to blog again soon.
    -maya out

  4. I'm so mad that I have to go to a baseball game! -ugh-
    I had my first gymnastics practice today! I was so happy because Ive been dying, absolutely DYING to do, she says overdramatically.
    Im also a drama queen. I LOVE drama!
    Well, this is me!
    -This is maya, signing off.
